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Dyslexic Notation based Typeface

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Using this study as a guide, this is a "dyslexic notation" typeface that uses symmetric symbols to reduce confusion in the alphabet.

After playing around with it a bit, I would like to see something like this become the standard english alphabet, but aside from that, it may hinder rather than help progress.

Still, if you'd like to make this your ereader font, etc. here it is.

For practical reasons, you should probably generate this as a bold, italic and bold italic font, all exactly the same, to avoid errant and distracting normal letters from popping up.

This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.

This was also created using Glyphs on a Mac. For you font-forge types, there is a generated otf in here you can use to play with.